
We have all heard the saying, “Knowledge is key,” and this couldn’t be more accurate when it comes to educating employees on the rules, regulations, laws and policies that help to mold the University environment.  Some training is necessary to provide information and other times, it serves as a reminder and a good refresher of things we may already know.  Often times, when a training course is completed, after some time has passed, events may occur in our daily work environments or changes may arise in our job responsibilities that alter or modify the way we interpret or apply those governing laws and policies.  Utilizing training as a tool fulfills many important obligations. 

It is a goal of the University Ethics and Compliance Office not to have all University employees  view training requirements as a series of check marks they must complete.  Rather, we want our employees to see the training programs as opportunities to better emulate an environment of ethics and integrity in the workplace. 

Currently, the main training program administered by the University Ethics and Compliance Office is the annual ethics training.  You will also find links to several other University-wide training programs utilized by University employees in the training administered by other units section of our website.
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