Sexual Misconduct (Title IX) Training
The University’s Prohibition of Sex Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct policy requires all incoming, returning, and transfer students, as well as all faculty and staff, to be regularly educated on discrimination and harassment prevention, sexual violence, and reporting options and obligations. New students are required to complete training before or early in their first semester. All returning students are provided training materials and encouraged to review those materials each academic year. Paid university employees, including faculty, staff, and extra help, are expected to complete their designated training annually as well, though this occurs during the spring semester. Though all courses are administered by University Ethics and Compliance Office staff, login support and course management are handled through the training vendor, Vector Solutions via their course functionality. The Title IX Coordinators will be responsible for responding to content-related inquiries.
Student Training
Graduate-Undergraduate Student Title IX Training
These courses are designed for use by new and returning students enrolled at Urbana-Champaign, Chicago, or Springfield. Students new to the University are required to complete this coursework before or during their first semester of enrollment. Failure to complete the coursework will result in a hold that prevents all registration activity being placed on the student account until the coursework is complete.
Employee Training
Faculty and Staff Title IX Training
The Faculty and Staff Title IX Training course is a mandatory requirement for all faculty and staff (excluding extra help employees, who satisfy their training requirements during the annual ethics training) of the University of Illinois System. The course will be available during the spring semester. Employees who are unable to complete the course online should contact their respective Title IX Coordinator to seek alternate training accommodations.
It is important to note that employees who are also enrolled as students at the University of Illinois are expected to complete the employee training, in addition to their student training. The reason we required the completion of both courses is that the roles and responsibilities of employees are not addressed in the student coursework, which focus on the student's perspective, along with prevention tips, bystander intervention, reporting options, and student resources.