Faculty, Staff and Graduate Employee Training

All employees with an employment classification other than SA (undergraduate student worker), EH (extra help employee) or RA/RB (medical resident), are required to complete this ethics training course once annually. 

The program will be available this year from:

October 1 - October 31, 2024 (ENDS 5pm CT)

The primary Faculty, Staff and Graduate Employee Training window has now closed. Employees who did not complete by the 10/31 deadline should complete their training as soon as possible. Employees completing after the initial deadline may be subject to disciplinary action for late completion.

Employees will receive an email at their official university account, prompting them to complete their training. University Net ID's and passwords will be used to access the training at: https://lms.apps.uillinois.edu.

This training is an annual requirement, based on the Illinois State Officials and Employees Ethics Act, and the standards set by the Office of Executive Inspector General for the Agencies of the Illinois Governor. All employees, including those on paid sabbaticals, are required to complete the course. It takes 30-60 minutes to complete and should be completed on work time, as directed by your supervisor. The course must be completed in its entirety by 5 PM central time on the last day of the training window to satisfy this requirement. Any employees in process (not fully completed) after the 5pm deadline has passed will be considered noncompliant.

To complete your coursework, please do the following:

  1. Open your browser and make sure your pop-up blockers are set to allow pop-ups from https://lms.apps.uillinois.edu
  2. Go to: https://lms.apps.uillinois.edu.
  3. Click "NetID Login"
  4. If prompted, choose your university location and "Select"
  5. If prompted, enter your university netid and password to "Login"
  6. Once logged into the University of Illinois System Training LMS, on the Course Overview screen, select the 2024 Annual Ethics Act Training for Faculty and Staff icon by clicking on the image.
  7. On the dashboard, please click on the "2024 Annual Ethics Act Training for Faculty and Staff" link
  8. Your course will open and you may progress following the on screen prompts
  9. Upon completion, click “Exit Activity” on the top right (you may encounter a prompt which asks if you would like to “Leave site?”, if so, click yes)
  10. Your certificate will be available via a grey link stating “Click for Certificate of Completion for 2024 Annual Ethics Training”


Employees who are unable to complete the program online or do not have a training icon should contact the University Ethics and Compliance Office.


Getting Help

If training has already started and you have not received your email, please contact the University Ethics and Compliance Office: ethicsofficer@uillinois.edu


If you are having trouble logging in or need to reset your password, please contact your respective help desk for assistance:

Chicago - UIC Help Center : 312-413-0003 (option 9)

Urbana-Champaign- Technology Services: 217-244-7000 or 800-531-2531

Springfield - ITS Client Services: 217-206-6000 or 877-847-0443


Statutory Reference

Illinois State Officials and Employees Ethics Act (5 ILCS 430/5-10)

Each officer, member, and employee must complete, at least annually beginning in 2004, an ethics training program conducted by the appropriate State agency.  Each ultimate jurisdictional authority must implement an ethics training program for its officers, members, and employees.  These ethics training programs shall be overseen by the appropriate Ethics Commission and Inspector General appointed pursuant to this Act in consultation with the Office of the Attorney General.

For additional information, please visit the FAQ Training section of our website.

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